The Worms of Light
Apparently, this is a nature blog now. Because today I learned an additional word for "lightning bug" in Spanish. I already knew luciérnaga, but gusano de luz is new to me. And, apparently, a thing. That people say. In the world.
Huh, I learned a word for "lightning bug" when I was reading Saramago's Pequeñas memorias that I think was not either of those -- can't remember now what it was though. Possibly it was "gusanos de luz".
What about "barba de viejo" for Daddy Long Legs? It's legit.
A cow-orker just advised that abejas de luz is also used in some places for lightning bugs. But barba de viejo is new to me.
Hey you know what would be a great band name? "Stanley and the New South Whales" is what.
Hey! so but what about this -- "abeja de luz", "gusano de luz", and "luciérnaga" correspond almost precisely to the three English names for the insect in question, firefly, glowworm, lightning bug.
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