Sunday, April 26, 2009

A Short One About How Awesome It Is Where I Live

I'll keep it brief: springtime is really awesome in Virginia. I'd like to say that allthetime is really awesome in Virginia, but I do get migraines and from time to time it rains a lot and it is a "wet" heat when it's hot (which is to say it's the opposite of a middle Texas style "dry" heat where it's really hot but you can still wear jeans) and all in all the glasses I got at LensCrafters aren't "rose-tinted," as certain people are wont to say. But springtime is great.

I've never been particularly interested in nature writing, so I won't get into how my lawn is being eaten by dark purple violets and how all the neighborhoods smell like tulips and how when I go jogging there are hundred-yard sections of sidewalk completely covered in fallen white/pink dogwood petals. Dandelions, redbuds, red maple. There is so much pollen in the air it covers my car in chunky circles of yellow.

I would post a picture, but I dropped my camera in the indoor pool at the Sheraton we stayed in this weekend in Tyson's Corner. This weekend was like highs of 85, blue skies with little puffs of clouds every now and then. GODDAMN that's what I'm talking about.


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