Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Rhythm Methodist

I've been rehearsing with this band that needed a fill-in drummer for an upcoming gig in Harrisonburg. We rehearse in a church basement, a space we have access to through the keyboardist, who has the inestimable connections that come with playing in the church band (despite being a rabid atheist; go figure).

Now, I don't consider myself particularly profane. Sure, I drop the occasional "Goddammit", but I tend to be a good personal censor. I never swear in front of my parents, and I rarely curse at work.

In this church, I am helplessly sacrilicious. I can't help but to sound like a sailor. Maybe it's because we're playing Teh Rock Muzick, but, fuck, I'm going to get us kicked out.


Blogger Stanley said...

I've subbed for the normal drummer in the same church band on a few occasions. Jesus has deep pockets, you know.

6/12/06 1:12 PM  

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