Sunday, March 16, 2008

"In the mean time, we do what we do best"

That's a quotation from the A-Team, which I've been watching online at hulu. I was excited at first, but two episodes in the show is so unbearably formulaic, I had stop my Season One run.

One positive development of watching, however, was the admiration for Hannibal's catch phrase, "I love it when a plan comes together," which led me to the decision last night that everyone really ought to have a catch phrase. I ran my proposed catch phrase ("we're not in Kansas anymore") by my fellow dinner-goers last night, and they were understandably underwhelmed. I need something less worn-out.

(I've been signing off e-mails today with "what say you?" which has some catch phrase potential. We'll just have to see.)

Oh, and what's that? There's a forthcoming A-Team movie, starring Woody Harrelson and Ice Cube? Why, yes, there is.


Blogger ||| said...

oreilly already does the "what say you" thing. You don't want to go down that route, do you?

19/3/08 6:15 PM  
Blogger The Modesto Kid said...

Speaking of kitschy TV shows being made into movies, there is also a forthcoming (live-action?!) movie of "Speed Racer", which kind of blows the mind. The trailer makes it look like it's going to be really lame though.

19/3/08 9:25 PM  
Blogger ||| said...

Stan: good lord, no. I do *not* watch "the factor". I watch other, truthful, trustworthy media critics telling me what asshole things were *said* on "the factor". MMFA, Crooks and Liars, and Keith Olbermann, to name a few.

What say you?

20/3/08 11:58 AM  
Blogger ||| said...

p.s., stuff white people like # 38: there's a rumor that they might make an Arrested Development movie.

20/3/08 12:00 PM  

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