The last grapes are in and processed = harvest is "over" = happy, beer-sipping Ryan. Harvest is only "over," of course, in the same sense that moving is "over" once you've unloaded all your stuff into the new house, but before you've unpacked and set-up paintings and Ikea chairs. It feels good, though, to return that U-haul and take a break for a fast food dinner, doesn't it?
Here's one of my favorite pictures of the season:

This is Jeronimo. Whenever I play a jazz CD in the cellar Jeronimo tells me (and I'm confident Stanley would approve my translation) "this music is crazy dead." I like to think that in the off-season Jeronimo is a modern music critic for a Duranguense branch of The New Yorker. He is unaffected by any song under 160bpm. Which is fast.
Here's one of my favorite pictures of the season:
This is Jeronimo. Whenever I play a jazz CD in the cellar Jeronimo tells me (and I'm confident Stanley would approve my translation) "this music is crazy dead." I like to think that in the off-season Jeronimo is a modern music critic for a Duranguense branch of The New Yorker. He is unaffected by any song under 160bpm. Which is fast.