Wednesday, April 28, 2010

This Dream Has Been Sponsored by Johnson and Johnson™

I had this really weird dream last night. The details are a bit spotty, but in the dream I was living on the streets of Baltimore, more or less as depicted on The Wire (which is a bit odd, as I haven't watched that show in quite some time).

I don't remember much of the context, but the weird thing was that people kept asking each other for "Listerines", which everyone understood to mean "needles".

I have no explanation for this made-up-in-my-sleep corporate drug slang.

Friday, April 23, 2010

An Aphorism.

You've probably got to wake up pretty asshole in the morning to drive a BMW.

Monday, April 19, 2010


Let's, how about this, let's no one tell my dad that I may have just driven his poor old car that he's been generously letting me use all the way to work with the parking brake partially engaged. Yes, that sounds like a plan.

Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Maté means "cup"

I'm trying to switch from coffee to yerba maté, or at least increase the ratio of the latter to the former. I'm not entirely sure why, either. Sort of a whim thing.

Anyhoozle, I'm enjoying some as I type.

Monday, April 05, 2010

Actually, I rather like fog.

I admit to drawing more interest in the motives behind the Donovan McNabb mishegas than is probably warranted. It seems like a surprising move for both Philadelphia and Washington, and it raises a number of questions regarding their other quarterbacks. (Vick? Campbell? The hilariously named Colt Brennan?)


In unrelated news, Unfogged is fogged for the moment, with diligent people who aren't I looking into it. I suppose I'll join the party and welcome the most dedicated of work avoiders to feel at home, in the meantime, in this blog's humble comments section.